Ford Mondeo since 2000
1. Introduction
2. Equipment
3. Care of the car
4. Engines
5. Greasing system
5.1. "Juice" with many talents – engine oil
5.2. Check уровеня engine oil
5.3. Replacement of engine oil and the oil filter
5.4. There are no bases for anxiety – oil vials on the engine
6. Cooling system
7. System of injection of fuel
8. Ignition system
9. Fuel system
10. Transmission
11. A running gear
12. Brake system
13. The electrotechnical equipment
14. Electroschemes
15. Car salon
16. A body
17. Technical characteristics
18. The help at malfunctions

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5. Greasing system

Oil circulation

1 — the Oil channel to a head of the block of cylinders and клапанным to drives,
2 — the Oil channel from the oil pump to the oil filter,
3 — Maslopriemnyj the pipeline,
4 — Drain lubricant channels for the oil pallet,

5 — the Basic oil channel,
6 — the Oil channel to bearings of a cranked shaft,
7 — Connection of the oil filter.

Роторный the oil pump

1 — the Oil pump,
2 — the Lining,

3 — the External rotor,
4 — the Internal rotor.

Check at every third stop on a gaz station: engine oil level. Though engines Duratec and DuraTorg do not hasten to follow a doubtful appeal, namely, to become big oil the glutton, we recommend to you after every third stop on autorefuelling to check oil level. Until then while oil level on щупе will be between labels MIN and MAX, there are no convincing reasons for доливки engine oil. Depending on the version of the engine the volume of added oil makes between 0,5 and 2 litres. Never add oil above level MAX – radial sealing rings of a cranked shaft can appear "crude" and the air filter can pollute the oil fog which has appeared from ventilating apertures of the engine.

Without sufficient greasing engines already would stop in some minutes of work. Therefore the most thin oil film everywhere protects the engine there where mobile details consult with each other on questions of "a destroying friction: for example, pistons and piston fingers, working surfaces of cylinders, шатунные and radical bearings of a cranked shaft or all клапанные drives.

That the oil film "did not break", at the working engine oil circulates on filigree pipeline, channel and having set of apertures to a labyrinth. Such adjustable transportation of oil will be organised by the oil pump, it directly soaks up engine oil from oil картера and "accelerates" it in specified above a labyrinth in a direction of necessary addresses. But that oil has arrived there whenever possible "fresh", it preliminary passes the oil filter which is located in Mondeo soon after the oil filter of a rotor directly in the basic stream of system of circulation. The oil filter releases oil juice from particles of soot, metal истираний and other extraneous subjects. Naturally, such filter serves until its microscopic thin paper plates still проницаемы and are not polluted.

Joint replacement – engine oil and the oil filter

In general it is necessary to replace the oil filter together with engine oil. The polluted filter allows engine oil to circulate even through редукционный the valve by the oil filter, however crude oil will accelerate process of deterioration of the engine – mainly, krivoshipno-shatunnyj the mechanism, working surfaces of pistons and cylinders and the location of bearings in a head of the block of cylinders. Usually engine oil through apertures and channels arrives in all significant lubricant places in the block of cylinders of the engine and the cranked shaft, similar ways it reaches also heads of the block of cylinders with camshafts and клапанными drives.

To pistons and cylinders, as a rule, quite enough usual giving of lubricant разбрызгиванием which is provided with rotating cranked shaft: it завихряет following from places of greasing oil on surrounding space. On systematic lubricant collars through the engine oil supports good mood not only inside, it incorporates the most part of superfluous heat which appears in places of bearings and during each working step.

Special service – oil sprays cool the bottoms of pistons

That the hot bottoms of pistons of engines Mondeo to unload in thermal sense is even more effective, they purposefully "take a shower" from the block of cylinders of the engine through oil sprays. On the way back to the oil pallet engine oil "goes down" through rather big drain channels in the collection for the fulfilled oil. Here lubricant juice calms a little down, cooled in the oil pallet to 75С and then again goes to the travel.

Pressure business – oil circulation

That the oil film maintained also high loadings, oil should arrive constantly under pressure to lubricant places. However too the high pressure, for example, at cold and viscous oil, can lead to defects of the engine. It is counteracted by a safety valve (байпас) in a connecting flange of the oil filter. It opens approximately at 4 bars and passes oil back directly on the party всасывания the oil pump. In technically healthy power unit Mondeo at average turns of the engine oil gets with pressure nearby 2–3 bar (oil temperature 80–100С, all-weather oil SAE 10W-30) to greasing places. At idling, on the contrary, it is enough of all nearby 0,6–1 bar. The exact information on pressure of oil is given out by an oil manometre. Serial Mondeo has no onboard such device, however to the fan simply enough to get it and дооснастить the car.

Signals only about the minimum pressure – a control bulb of pressure of oil

The serial control signalling device of pressure of oil gives out not so exact values of measurements, he "warns" only in the presence of pressure in 0,3 – 0,5 bar. In other words, the indicator of pressure of oil lights up when defects of the engine already on the way: sufficient supply by oil is carried out at pressure 0,3 – 0,5 bar not so reliably. "Troubles", for example, can occur, when you Mondeo with low level of oil rushes on turn: centrifugal forces arising thus "move" oil available in the oil pallet to external in relation to turn to the party – in this situation the oil pump submits from the collection only hot air. Pressure of oil passes thus inevitably in a cellar, and heavy damages of the engine – expensive result of such situation.

Even if after fast movement on a highway or mountain road the signalling device of pressure of oil will start to blink at idling, it is a reliable sign of that the necessary pressure of oil is not reached. During that time when the signalling device at easy giving of gas naturally again dies away, there are no special reasons for anxiety – it is possible to continue pensively henceforth the way, "the healthy" engine during movement will again be cooled.

Only when the signalling device burns constantly...

    Immediately stop and switch off the engine. Check up level of oil and... Add the necessary volume whenever possible at once. Otherwise move very cautiously to the following gasoline station and add oil there. Check up then, whether the control bulb has gone out. If has not gone out, tow off the car in the nearest workshop and show to the expert. Depending on the circumstances, thereby you can avoid heavy malfunctions of the engine.

The previous page
4.7. Definition of a place of malfunction by listening – noise in a motor compartment
The following page
5.1. "Juice" with many talents – engine oil