Ford Mondeo since 2000
1. Introduction
2. Equipment
2.1. In due time take care of spare details
2.2. Tools – base equipment
2.3. Special tools and accessories
2.4. Experience business – a professional advice for fans
2.5. Councils for visiting a workshop
2.6. Safety first of all – the first precept of the one who helps itself
2.7. The practical tool for lifting – a jack
3. Care of the car
4. Engines
5. Greasing system
6. Cooling system
7. System of injection of fuel
8. Ignition system
9. Fuel system
10. Transmission
11. A running gear
12. Brake system
13. The electrotechnical equipment
14. Electroschemes
15. Car salon
16. A body
17. Technical characteristics
18. The help at malfunctions

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2. Equipment

If you the mechanic-fan, first of all, you whenever possible need to have well shined and in a friendly way adjusted workplace, only in these conditions it is possible to concentrate on bolts completely. The best variant: wide enough and well shined garage with own electric подводкой. At good weather open-air, naturally, work with bolts delivers you more pleasures. However here it is necessary to rely basically on an equal and paved surface – and at performance of all works arrive according to the motto: safety first of all.

The self-help under supervision – is possible in the rented workshop

As a rule, the rented workshops use good recommendations among motorists. Besides elevating means and various toolkit here it is possible to find often and the competent help together with a well-founded practical advice: and problems with your car and the equipment on the basis of specialised instructing can be solved much faster and is easier. The majority of the rented workshops offers some workplaces.

However the free elevating stage among a week can be met more often, than in its end – at this particular time the majority of fans catches at a wrench. Such workshops settle an invoice with the user for the quantity of working hours spent by it as shows experiment, at the rate from 25 to 40 marks – including use of tools. Addresses of the workshops leasing the capacities, it is possible to find out usually on yellow pages of a telephone directory, in departments of announcements of the favourite daily newspaper or on bulletin boards. Often necessary адресок to the nearest "most modern" workshop can give out to you and заправщик at a gasoline station.

Be well prepared for workshop visiting

Independent performance of works in the rented workshop makes sense, certainly, in that situation when repair work is dashing also is quickly carried out on offered a working scene. As the majority of works which independent performance in the rented workshop you have ventured for the first time – owing to compelled gathering of bitter experience – that cost of works because of your levity can be above in comparison with similar works in the specialised centres or workshops of guarantee repair. Besides on you still presses a strict time interval both standing up for you and expecting the introduction on a scene following same, as well as you, the fan of a screw-driver.

If you have dared for the first time at "dismantling" of your car in a rent workshop are obliged to finish the works quickly. Practice compels you already directly to scrupulous planning on a green table – eventually, you do not want to "park" the car for expensive price for a working scene while absent details and the important auxiliary means are just necessary for getting.

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1.5. Development of models
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2.1. In due time take care of spare details