11.4. Regular check of a free wheeling of a steering wheelThe free wheeling of your steering wheel Mondeo can be corrected. At least in the event that speech does not go about usual deterioration or defect. However all the same transfer work on such adjustment of the workshop – professionals on a place have for this purpose the necessary measuring tool. And still you can independently inspect, having arranged the car on an equal asphalt or concrete covering.
Establish wheels for rectilinear movement.
Grasp a wheel through an open lateral window and turn it to the full there-here.
Pay thus attention to a forward left wheel, and it is better on onboard закраины than a rim, they should move rhythmically together with a wheel. The elastic tyre can slightly "brake" these movements.
If at direct installation of wheels the backlash is not defined, and at strong turns of a wheel nevertheless is available зажатие gear рейка it is worn out. All steering mechanism further wears out.