11.5. Check of protective cuffs gear рейкиActing from картера the steering mechanism gear рейка on the right and at the left it is protected by rubber cuffs. Both cuffs should be vlago - and пыленепроницаемы. Damp cuffs should be immediately replaced: as проникшая the dirt or a moisture transform for the shortest time greasing available in the steering mechanism into abrasive paste, which at once приканчивает the steering mechanism.
Educate a pocket lantern the goffered cuffs.
Completely turn the steering mechanism to the right and to the left and pull out one cuff, then another. Whether there are on them cracks?
Clamping collars 1 and 2 on both cuffs should sit strongly.
Cuffs of the steering mechanism above a bridge beam are rather well environmentproofed. However at the dismantled forward wall throw sometimes on them the look and simultaneously check clamping collars 1 and 2 on strong landing. |